Search for clients for a car hauling company (open trailers)
Продукт продвижения:
Transport logistics car hauling open trailers company (USA).
Особенности проекта:
The main requirement from the client was to launch the lead generation of customers for transportation as quickly as possible.
Therefore, at the first stage, the solution was activities in social networks (Facebook and Instagram). It is here that the launch of the lidgen is possible in the shortest possible time (2-3 days, taking into account the filling of posts).
The creation of the site and the launch of advertising on it were planned later.
Результаты проекта:
The average relevance of leads in the first month of work was 62%.
The average CPL (for relevant) was $33.5.
The cost of the application was up to $100, the ROAS indicator at the first stage of promotion was 238%.